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2024 CGA Women’s Hickory Tournament

The 2024 CGA Women’s Hickory Tournament was hosted by Cheyenne Shadows Golf Club. The format for the event was 18 holes of individual stroke play. At the conclusion of the tournament, winners were crowned for both the Overall Low Gross and Low Net categories.

Tournament Photos

Tournament Results

OVerall Low Gross:

Deb Limoge from Patty Jewett WGC-18 stole the show as the Overall Low Gross Champion with a score of 99!

OVerall Low Net:

Bunny Ambrose from Riverdale WGA dazzled everyone as the Overall Low Net Champion with an impressive score of 73!

Bunny Ambrose (Left) and Deb Limoge (Right)

Hickory gross:

First Flight: Tammi Backer (West Woods WGA) (100)

Second Fight: JoAnn Smith (Foothills LGA-18) (100)

Third Flight: Denise Van Huele (West Woods WGA) (105)

Fourth Flight: Kay Boyle (Estes Park WGA) (109)

Hickory Net:

First Flight: Peggy Payne (Perry Park CC WGA) (77)

Second Flight: Kim Buck (Fossil Trace WGA) (76)

Third Flight: Judy Witt (Hyland Hills WGA 18) (74)

Fourth Flight: Liz Holden (Pikes Peak Women Golfers) (77)

CLosest to the pin #5:

Denise Van Huele (West Woods WGA 18)

Closest to the pin #14:

Kim Buck (Fossil Trace WGA)

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