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2024 Golf Day at the Capitol

On April 16th, Golf Day at the Capitol, spearheaded by the Colorado Golf Coalition and Coalition lobbyist Jennifer Cassell of Bowditch & Cassell Public Affairs, was a resounding success. This annual event, hosted at the Colorado State Capitol, fosters engagement with legislators before their session and acknowledges their support for the state’s golf industry. After a hearty breakfast, the Colorado Golf Coalition received commendation during the Senate session for the industry’s invaluable contributions.

From left to right: Ryan Smith (CGA Chief Development Officer and CGF Executive Director), Paul Lundeen (Colorado Minority Leader), and Will F. Nicholson III (CGF Vice President, Treasurer and CGA Board Member).

The Colorado Golf Coalition comprises key organizations including the Colorado Golf Association, Colorado Section of the PGA, Golf Course Superintendents Association of America – Rocky Mountain Chapter, and Club Management Association of America – Mile High Chapter. During their engagement with legislators, the coalition presented a report detailing the economic and environmental significance of golf within Colorado.

The Colorado Golf Association (CGA) staff received special recognition in the Senate Chamber, where representatives adorned with CGA hats passionately spoke about Golf Day at the Capitol.

Featured: Colorado Golf Association, Colorado Section of the PGA, Golf Course Superintendents Association of America – Rocky Mountain Chapter, and Club Management Association of America – Mile High Chapter staff in the Senate Chamber.

Below is a list of representatives and senators who attended Golf Day at the Capitol:

Featured: Colorado State Senator and Event Supporting Sponsor, Rhonda Fields

The Colorado Golf Coalition extends its gratitude to the legislators for their participation of Golf Day at the Capitol and for delving into the economic and environmental significance of golf within the state.  Read the results of the report at

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