TeamChamps FlightChance FlightChumps FlightLuck AddedTeam Owner
Meronk's MaraudersDustin JohnsonLanto GriffinAdrian MeronkWee Bit-o-LuckEdward Mate
Gary F AlbrechtJon Rahm - winnerKevin NaAkshay Bhatia - winnerGary Albrecht
Adam TilgerJustin ThomasLanto GriffinAkshay Bhatia - winnerAdam Tilger
Pool-BoyamaHideki MatsuyamaRafa Cabrera BelloAndrew Kozan (a)Aaron Kellough
Hannah HouseWill ZalatorisCarlos OrtizCameron Young (a)Hannah House
Keith BusseyPatrick ReedFrancesco Molinari - winnerCameron Young (a)Wee Bit-o-LuckKeith Bussey
Walker Texas RangerMarc LeishmanHenrik StensonCameron Young (a)Matthew Walker
Kim BusseyXander SchauffeleWilco NienaberEric ColeKimberly Bussey
Not DFLCollin MorikawaCameron ChampLuis GagneLucky CharmsJudy Maillis
Debbie KolbJon Rahm - winnerJimmy WalkerMatthew Sharpstene (a)Wee Bit-o-LuckDebora Kolb
Brad WiesleyJon Rahm - winnerJhonattan VegasMatthias Schmid (a)Lucky CharmsBrad Wiesley
Gregory WithCollin MorikawaIan PoulterParker Coody (a)Gregory With
Erin GangloffJon Rahm - winnerMartin LairdParker Coody (a)Erin Gangloff
Cal LanouetteRory McIlroyFrancesco Molinari - winnerRoy CootesCal Lanouette
SmittyPicksXander SchauffeleBernd WiesbergerRyo IshikawaWee Bit-o-LuckRyan Smith
Marcus LounelloTony FinauIan PoulterRyo IshikawaMarcus Lounello
John GardnerGarrick HiggoIan PoulterRyo IshikawaWee Bit-o-LuckJohn Gardner
Bob WebsterJustin ThomasKevin NaRyo IshikawaLucky CharmsRobert Webster
Elizabeth CarterJon Rahm - winnerZach JohnsonRyo IshikawaElizabeth Carter
Jeffrey HowardTony FinauCameron ChampSahith Theegala (a)Jeffrey Howard
Jill MarksJustin ThomasJustin SuhTyler StrafaciJill Marks
Kevin LauraViktor HovlandKevin NaTyler StrafaciKevin Laura
Joe McClearyWill ZalatorisCameron ChampZach ZabackLucky CharmsJoe McCleary
Billy BarooBrooks KoepkaCameron ChampZach ZabackWee Bit-o-LuckWilliam Fowler


This year the U.S. Open Pool will be an online format that must be completed by 5:00PM Wednesday, June 16, 2021.

  • Entry fee is $10 (please submit pay below). ONE entry per person.
  • The U.S. Open field has been divided into three flights: The Champs, The Chance, and The Chumps.
  • You will select ONE player in each of the 3 Flights (you can select the same player as other participants in the pool).
  • If the player you selected wins their Flight (i.e. is the highest finisher in that Flight selected by one or more teams), you win the payout for that Flight.
    • You can win all three Flights if you are really good!
    • Everyone who selected a Flight champion will split the Flight payout equally!
    • FLIGHT PAYOUTS (based on 50 entries) will be $150/Flight.
  • $50 the Smails Kid Wins the U.S. Open Bonus – $50 will be added to the payout for the Flight that the U.S. Open winner comes from (U.S. Open Champion must be selected by at least one team).
  • If you choose a player that withdraws prior to the U.S. Open, you can change your pick by emailing Aaron Kellough (CLICK HERE) before the start of the tournament, otherwise your pick will become the alternate who replaced your player.
  • All CGA Teams and Flight leaders and will be posted here (on this page) throughout the pool.