Molly McMulligan
All articles by the amazing Susan Fornoff, writing as Molly McMulligan
DEAR MOLLY: I changed tees mid-round. Can I still post?
Playing a new course, it became clear that I had teed it up a little farther back than I should have and so I moved up a set of tees. Is there any way that I can post that round?
DEAR MOLLY: Where Are the Senior Tees For Women?
Most courses we play have four or five tee boxes. The most forward is considered the women’s tee and the second forward is considered the senior tee for men over some age, usually 60. It doesn’t seem fair…
DEAR MOLLY: How can I turn negative into positive?
Sometimes in my club I get paired with a certain member who’s a negative self-talker. None of his shots is good enough…etc. How can I block this out and be positive?
DEAR MOLLY: How can we make golf more techy for kids?
Our kids are more into video games and cell phones than golf. Is there any way we can incorporate technology on the course?
Molly McMulliGan’s Fab 5
Here are five public-access courses every Colorado golfer should play while enjoying the ride.
DEAR MOLLY: Am I Posting Wrong?
A friend told me that he read the max over par was 2 when trying to establish a GHIN handicap. I later learned the correct method is a max of 3 over. Can I go back in and adjust my lower scores?