Molly McMulligan
All articles by the amazing Susan Fornoff, writing as Molly McMulligan
I want to Move Up a Tee, But…
Dear Molly: I typically play with players who bomb the ball farther than I do, and I’d love to move up to the next tee. But that would complicate our wager, not to mention I can just imagine the grief they’ll give me. Can you help me save a little face please?
Which tees are best?
A CLOSER LOOK by Susan Fornoff – Most golfers pick their tees incorrectly. Here is how to get it right.
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
In Colorado, summer isn’t about the humidity, it’s about the heat! Compared to the altitude of our coastal golfing friends, our elevation puts us a mile closer to the sun, adding heat stroke, sunburn and skin cancer to our list of on-course hazards. We still want to play 18, though! With helpful advice from Dr. Owen Ellis, a scratch golfer at Flatirons, here are five strategies to help us do just that.
Can I Do Something To Speed Up the Game?
Dear Molly: I think golf should take no more than four hours. But these newbies on the course are driving me crazy with their tee-talk, partying, bad games and incessant putt reading. What can I say or do to move them along?
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
It’s happened once or twice the past couple years: I tell my new-to-golf playing companions how much better I am at the 19th hole than the others, and they look at me quizzically. “19th hole? Whaaaat?”
Why Should I Take A Caddie?
Dear Molly: My boss has invited me and my wife to play at her club with her and her husband. So what’s the problem? We have to take a caddie…
How do I know it’s time for new clubs?
Dear Molly: I play golf for fun and use clubs that belonged to my dad. My pals keep telling me to get new ones. Is there really that much difference between 20-year-old clubs and the pricey new stuff? And what’s the best way to shop?