Veteran journalist Susan Fornoff has written about golf for publications including the San Francisco Chronicle, ColoradoBiz magazine and her own She provides the voice of “Molly McMulligan,” the CGA’s on-course consultant on golf for fun. Email her at
Molly McMulliGan’s Fab 5
Courses Where Short Hitters Can Tee it Forward
DEAR MOLLY: I changed tees mid-round. Can I still post?
Playing a new course, it became clear that I had teed it up a little farther back than I should have and so I moved up a set of tees. Is there any way that I can post that round?
Molly McMulliGan’s Fab 5
Mix Golf Into Your Super Bowl Sunday
DEAR MOLLY: Where Are the Senior Tees For Women?
Most courses we play have four or five tee boxes. The most forward is considered the women’s tee and the second forward is considered the senior tee for men over some age, usually 60. It doesn’t seem fair…
Molly McMulliGan’s Fab 5
Hot spots for Colorado’s golfing snowbirds
DEAR MOLLY: How can I turn negative into positive?
Sometimes in my club I get paired with a certain member who’s a negative self-talker. None of his shots is good enough…etc. How can I block this out and be positive?
Molly McMulliGan’s Fab 5
Gift-givers, hint-hint: Here are 2024’s hottest putters
DEAR MOLLY: How can we make golf more techy for kids?
Our kids are more into video games and cell phones than golf. Is there any way we can incorporate technology on the course?
Molly McMulliGan’s Fab 5
Here are five public-access courses every Colorado golfer should play while enjoying the ride.
DEAR MOLLY: Am I Posting Wrong?
A friend told me that he read the max over par was 2 when trying to establish a GHIN handicap. I later learned the correct method is a max of 3 over. Can I go back in and adjust my lower scores?
Molly McMulliGan’s Fab 5
CGA top walkers’ favorite shoes – for the Fall Fitness Finish you might want to coddle your precious feet!
DEAR MOLLY: How can I move us along?
I always point out when my group is falling behind, but no one seems to want to hear it and I find myself rushing for the whole foursome…
Molly McMulliGan’s Fab 5
Hurry up and play these almost 2-mile-high Colorado courses
DEAR MOLLY: Man vs. woman – How can we play fair?
I am an 80-year-old male with a Handicap Index of 20.9. If I play against my granddaughter from the same tees and we both shot 85, I would get strokes because her rating is higher than mine – that doesn’t seem fair!
Molly McMulliGan’s Fab 5
Where to get in a quick and low-pressure 9
Dear Molly: What time is tee-time, really?
What exactly is the expectation for a tee-time – especially now that many courses make us pay in advance?
Molly McMulliGan’s Fab 5
Walk from your room to the course at these Colorado destinations
Dear Molly
Do I have to share yardages if I don’t want to?
Molly McMulliGan’s Fab 5
Places to play that have a caddie academy: Book now!
Dear Molly
Houses on a favorite Colorado course are too close to the fairway for my game. What’s the expectation if I hit one of them?
Molly McMulliGan’s Fab 5
Golf courses with brand new homes
Dear Molly
Can I tee off when a player comes into my fairway?
Molly McMulliGan’s Fab 5
Colorado’s Oldest Courses (can you name them?)
Dear Molly
How do I show my love on the links? My significant other is not a very good golfer…
Molly McMulliban’s Fab 5
Coming soon for Colorado golfers
Molly McMulliban’s Fab 5
Remedies for Colorado golf cabin fever
Dear Molly
I’m retiring early this year and have been thinking about
volunteering with the CGA. What are my options?
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
Carefree winter weekend golf getaways
Dear Molly
I hardly ever lose a golf ball because I just don’t hit it that far. Do they ever wear out? How do I know when I need to replace one?
Introducing the CGA’s Golfiest Golfers
The Fall Fitness Finish and season posts made one thing clear: A few of us are always up for a game
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
Training gizmos from 5 of Colorado’s top instructors
Dear Molly
If I play well in a tournament, can my club change my flight?
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
Musical genres for your golf game
Dear Molly
I have a friend who doesn’t post scores that are unusually high after playing an unfamiliar course or in bad weather. I understand our highest scores don’t count toward our indexes, but I post everything. Who’s right?
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
Bags and carts for walking 18 – or more
Dear Molly
I play in a weekend league where the prizes are a little bit of pro shop money here and there. Now and then, after we putt out on a hole, my fellow competitor reports a score, but I count more. What should I do?
Dear Molly – I’m Nervous!
My pal and I signed up for our first CGA net competition, and we are a little worried it’s going to be more serious than fun. What do we need to know to enjoy the day?
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
Colorado golf travel tips
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
Summer snacks that beat the heat!
How do I get them to STOP TALKING?
Dear Molly: I keep getting paired with Chatty Kathy and Blabbering Bob, who talk before, during and after my swing and can’t seem to stop talking long enough to hit the ball when it’s their turn. They seem nice enough, but this seems rude, distracts me and slows play. What can I do?
A First rate Job
Math minded? Fascinated by golf course design? Maybe you should join the CGA’s volunteer course rating corps, whose diligence produces the numbers that drive our handicaps
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
Here are five tips for enjoying the CommonGround caddie experience.
What’s With the Charity Scramble Cheating?
Dear Molly: There’s a charity scramble I like to play in every year because I care about the organization that benefits. But I’m so tired of seeing the same players win, year in and year out. I can’t help thinking there’s some cheating going on. What can I do, other than suck it up and be gracious?
Is it Time for a New Driver?
Here’s what to expect when you consult these four top club fitters in Colorado
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
Here are five things the grounds crew wants golfers to know our on the course.
What’s My Next Step after Topgolf?
Dear Molly: My golf experience is limited to goofing around at Topgolf, but I like it! What’s my next step?
Go Ahead, Take the Leap!
CGA competitions aren’t just for scratch golfers. Here’s a guide to opportunities for the rest of us.
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
Here are five irresistible opportunities for someone who loves golf. Look for them in job listings at your golf course website, and be sure to check the perks. They may come with free or heavily discounted golf, range time, shop merch and food!
How Should I Tip at the Golf Course
Dear Molly: I recently played as a guest at a well-known private club, where someone took my clubs out of my car, someone else parked my car, someone gave me a locker, someone else cleaned my clubs, and, well, the service is all wonderful, but am I supposed to tip all these people? And if so, how much?
Score One for Your Kids
Now’s the time to register juniors for summer camps and clinics. Here’s how to make that a win-win.
On the Move with Molly McMulligan
Molly McMulligan and the mister escape Colorado’s winter for Streamsong and find Florida’s answer to Bandon Dunes.
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
Here are five off-the-beaten-path possibilities for your first official round or Colorado golf getaway of the year.
How can I stop losing?
Dear Molly: My buddy always beats me on the golf course, and lately he’s been suggesting bigger wagers! I’m sick of it, and so is my wallet. What do I do?
The Wonders of the GHIN App
CGA members have access now to yardages, statistics, games and scorekeeping – with more features to come
I Want the Flagstick Out! Is That So Bad?
Dear Molly: COVID ruined everything for those of us who want the flagstick removed when we putt. Now all the hackers leave the stick in, and we good golfers have to go along with them or be seen as holding up the show. Is there any way we can all be accommodated?
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
Still need convincing for the Colorado Golf Expo? Here are 5 reasons you won’t want to miss it!
Golf for him, Golf for her
A tradition that began in the days when men worked and women didn’t hold its ground in today’s Colorado
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
Check out these strategies for making the most of Colorado’s new golf lounges!
Where is the Woman of my Golf Dreams?
Dear Molly: My dream is to meet a cool woman who’ll play golf with me. Do you have any nice friends? Or even some ideas on how to find my match?
Golf’s Boom Moves Indoors
Topgolf started the trend, and Colorado entrepreneurs have taken it seriously. This winter, the golf lounge is everywhere.
What am I supposed to do with the rake?
Dear Molly: Where and how should a rake be placed in a bunker? I’ve heard a few answers to this and I’m curious if there is technically a correct answer.
Paying to Play
A CLOSER LOOK by Susan Fornoff – Not a creature is stirring and not a golf course is watering. So why isn’t golf less expensive in Colorado’s offseason?
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
Here are a few seasonal splurges worth giving to your favorite golfer. Yeah, you-know-who. Look in the mirror.
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
Winter golf can be cold, but don’t let that stop you! Just don your thermals and follow these five strategies.
Will our ‘birdie juice’ get us in trouble?
Dear Molly: My friends and I all carry birdie juice and whip out our flasks to toast birdies. This does not happen often. But we’ve noticed that a lot of Colorado golf courses have posted signs threatening those of us who bring our own alcohol along. Do we need to hide our celebrations? Will they really throw us out if they catch us?
Posting, Postponed
A CLOSER LOOK by Susan Fornoff – Try out some fun alternatives to the serious games you’ve played all summer!
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
Five ways to show your feet love while walking your rounds!
How Do I Get a Gimme?
Dear Molly: On the Ryder Cup and Solheim Cup, players are always saying “good.” But in my group, nobody ever says a putt is good. Please explain the rules of the gimme. What do I have to do to get one?
Friendly Games
A CLOSER LOOK by Susan Fornoff – Try out some fun alternatives to the serious games you’ve played all summer!
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
Check out these five courses worth walking this fall!
What can I do about obnoxious music?
Dear Molly: I am getting used to hearing music from players’ carts & bags when I play recreational golf, but it does not seem right to have to tolerate this kind of noise in competitions…
Walking to win
A CLOSER LOOK by Susan Fornoff – Here’s your inspiration to enter the CGA’s Fall Fitness Finish
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
Five tips and tricks on having great golf manners on the course!
I want to Move Up a Tee, But…
Dear Molly: I typically play with players who bomb the ball farther than I do, and I’d love to move up to the next tee. But that would complicate our wager, not to mention I can just imagine the grief they’ll give me. Can you help me save a little face please?
Which tees are best?
A CLOSER LOOK by Susan Fornoff – Most golfers pick their tees incorrectly. Here is how to get it right.
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
In Colorado, summer isn’t about the humidity, it’s about the heat! Compared to the altitude of our coastal golfing friends, our elevation puts us a mile closer to the sun, adding heat stroke, sunburn and skin cancer to our list of on-course hazards. We still want to play 18, though! With helpful advice from Dr. Owen Ellis, a scratch golfer at Flatirons, here are five strategies to help us do just that.
Can I Do Something To Speed Up the Game?
Dear Molly: I think golf should take no more than four hours. But these newbies on the course are driving me crazy with their tee-talk, partying, bad games and incessant putt reading. What can I say or do to move them along?
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
It’s happened once or twice the past couple years: I tell my new-to-golf playing companions how much better I am at the 19th hole than the others, and they look at me quizzically. “19th hole? Whaaaat?”
Why Should I Take A Caddie?
Dear Molly: My boss has invited me and my wife to play at her club with her and her husband. So what’s the problem? We have to take a caddie…
Golfing and Giving
A CLOSER LOOK – The charity scramble makes a Colorado comeback
Make room in your golf bag for these!
Make room for new equipment in your bag this season!
How do I know it’s time for new clubs?
Dear Molly: I play golf for fun and use clubs that belonged to my dad. My pals keep telling me to get new ones. Is there really that much difference between 20-year-old clubs and the pricey new stuff? And what’s the best way to shop?
Colorado’s golf innovators
A CLOSER LOOK by Susan Fornoff – Fresh ideas for a centuries-old game blossom here on the range
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
Style up! Here are 5 hot – and cool – apparel trends for Colorado’s fashion-forward golfers
What are golf clothes, anyway?
DEAR MOLLY: I want to fit in, but I refuse to spend money on clothes I can’t wear anyplace but on the golf course. What can I wear for golf if I haven’t bought any so-called “golf clothes”?
Molly McMulligan’s Fab 5
Get official! Here are 5 ways to establish and maintain a USGA Handicap® in Colorado
Is a golf league right for me?
DEAR MOLLY: Whenever I get paired up with an enthusiastic golfer, they tell me I really should join a club. Why should I bother?