Handicap tables

Search for a facility, and use the link to view and download PDF’s of the Handicap Tables.

Making Her Mark

The teaching never stops for Schnitzer, the CGA Women’s Volunteer of the Year


NCAA cancels golf championships, which were scheduled for May and June; some players, coaches believe decision was premature. Meanwhile, several Denver-area courses close for time being

Bustling Tuesday

Coloradans Erickson, Bryant, Ott post top-5 finishes in college tourneys; Shockley notches another coaching victory

Dermonte Joins CGA Staff

Please join us in welcoming Dermonte Bond as one of our newest staff members here at the Colorado Golf Association.


Former Fort Collins resident Drew Stoltz, winner of CGA Amateur and 5A state high school title in Colorado, has found a prominent niche talking golf on radio and podcasts

No. 2 and Counting

Day after matching NCAA record, DU’s Zanusso notches second win of season