How do I get them to STOP TALKING?

Dear Molly: I keep getting paired with Chatty Kathy and Blabbering Bob, who talk before, during and after my swing and can’t seem to stop talking long enough to hit the ball when it’s their turn. They seem nice enough, but this seems rude, distracts me and slows play. What can I do?

What’s With the Charity Scramble Cheating?

Dear Molly: There’s a charity scramble I like to play in every year because I care about the organization that benefits. But I’m so tired of seeing the same players win, year in and year out. I can’t help thinking there’s some cheating going on. What can I do, other than suck it up and be gracious?

How Should I Tip at the Golf Course

Dear Molly: I recently played as a guest at a well-known private club, where someone took my clubs out of my car, someone else parked my car, someone gave me a locker, someone else cleaned my clubs, and, well, the service is all wonderful, but am I supposed to tip all these people? And if so, how much?