How to Post Scores in the New GHIN System

VIDEO SERIES: Ready for the Rules –
2020 World Handicap Edition
WHS Educational Videos
Introduction to the World Handicap System
Basis of Handicap Index Calculation
The 8 best of most recent 20 score differentials, which includes a Playing Conditions Calculation to account for any abnormal course or weather conditions.
Playing Handicap
The handicap used that maximizes equity when competing by applying a handicap allowance for a specific format.
Acceptable Scores
Determining which scores are acceptable for handicap purposes, focusing on playing by the Rules of Golf and playing one’s own ball.
Playing Conditions Calculation
When abnormal course or weather conditions cause scores to be unusually high or low on a given day, a “Playing Conditions Calculation” will adjust Score Differentials to better reflect a player’s actual performance.
Minimum Number of Holes and Maximum Index
The minimum required to calculate a Handicap Index is 54 holes worth of scores, and the new maximum Index is 54.0 regardless of gender.
Course Rating
The basis for the World Handicap System. It is also an indication of the difficulty of a golf course for the scratch player under normal course and weather conditions.